Thinking of breaking your fixed term mortgage?
In Octobers review, the Reserve Bank dropped the Official Cash Rate by 50 basis points from 5.25% to 4.75%. As a result, banks have been lowering their interest rates. With interest rates falling, borrowers are now wondering if they should “break” their fixed term mortgages to “re-fix” on the new, lower interest rates. In a […]
What’s happening with Debt to Income (DTI) mortgage restrictions?
The Reserve Bank is proposing to introduce Debt to Income (DTI) restrictions from around the middle of 2024. These new DTI restrictions will set limits on the amount of debt borrowers can take on compared to their incomes. These new restrictions will in turn protect the stability of the financial system. Debt to Income Ratio […]
Looking to purchase a rental property?
Owning rental property has long been a popular form of investment for New Zealanders, however, over the last couple of years, it has not been so popular. This was largely due to the tax deductibility changes in 2021, along with interest rate increases and LVR requirements. However, with the recent change in government there has […]
What you need to know before refinancing your mortgage
With interest rates skyrocketing, many mortgage holders may be considering their options of refinancing to take advantage of the cash incentives many banks offer to attract new customers. While it may be appealing to take advantage of these cash incentives, it’s essential to understand the refinance process, to weigh up the pros and cons and […]
Buying & Selling – Should you sell first or buy first?
In a perfect world, you would sell your property first before buying another one, and you would arrange the settlement dates for both properties, to be on the same day. However, sometimes, it is not a perfect world, and you have to consider other options when buying and selling. There are several options you can […]
Interest rate changes – What does it mean for you?
Mortgage interest rates have skyrocketed over the past two years, having a significant impact on many mortgage holders. If your mortgage is due to expire off it’s low fixed term interest rate soon, you’re about to experience a significant increase in your mortgage repayments. For example, if you have a $500,000 mortgage fixed at 2.99% […]
What is the CCCFA?
The Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) sets out rules that lenders must follow when lending money to consumers. When you borrow money (ie. for a mortgage), the CCCFA ensures you are able to make informed choices, know what you’re agreeing to, and can keep track of your debts. The CCCFA requires lenders to […]
Is your pocket hurting with the rising interest rates & inflation?
It’s getting tougher out there folks. Interest rates are on the rise and inflation is hitting us pretty hard. In most cases, our wages aren’t increasing to compensate, and the government doesn’t appear to have any realistic ideas about how to help everyday Kiwis, so we’re going to have to help ourselves. Rather than trying to predict […]
COVID-19 June Update
Now that we’re at Alert Level 2, it’s a good time to figure out where you stand. Find out what is happening in the market and what lenders are looking for in the new lending environment. A lot has changed since COVID-19 and this continues to change almost on a daily basis as the full impact […]
COVID-19 Support Information
Life as we know it has been changing in this new COVID-19 world, so the team at Wayne Henry Mortgages want to assure you that we are here to help and support you during these unprecented times. Banks, governments and advisers like us appreciate that this is a once-in-a-lifetime event and everyone is jumping in […]